Aussie Assault Number 9.

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John Hunt
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Message 650757 - Posted: 29 Sep 2007, 5:03:35 UTC

G'Day Crunchers Everywhere!

Aussie Assault Number 9 is on the starting blocks and this time the target is QMC@Home.
The team will be concentrating a significant portion of their processing power on that project from
October 1st for the following two weeks.

Aussies anywhere in the world - if you are teamless, come and join us! We have a great team website where
you can get all the support (both moral and technical!) that you need. Just click on the team logo in my sig and
follow the links to the forum.

And of course, the invite is open to non-Aussies too! (hey, I'm a 100% Pom and they let me in.....)

The starting gun goes off at Midnight Sunday local time for all the team.

Aussie Assault 8 was hard work because SETI had problems but QMC has a good track record
for reliability. Let's hope we have a good Assault this time!
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Profile m.mitch
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Message 661913 - Posted: 18 Oct 2007, 15:12:03 UTC

By any measure Aussie Assault 9 (AA9) on QMC has been a fantastic success!!

Even though AA9 is officially over, the team has just passed 10 million credits in QMC, the last 5 million all in the last 18 days. That is an enormous amount of science crunched.

The team's daily output should have started winding down to about double its pre-AA levels, about 50,000 a day, but we are still seeing around 250,000 a day. Not to bad for QMC.

It should start to drop in the next week or so but the project has caught the interest of many BOINC@AUSTRALIA members. That's another great side affect of the AA's.

The next event starts on 1 December 2007.

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance in SETI
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Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : Aussie Assault Number 9.

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