The Planetary Society

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Aaron Finney
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Message 593174 - Posted: 26 Jun 2007, 22:10:45 UTC

Since we don't (yet) have our own forums, I am posting this here :

I noticed that even though The Planetary Society team is ranked 14th here, the rankings at other projects has been rather, well.. embarrassing. So I am singlehandedly starting on a mission to bring The Planetary Society into the top 80 teams on *EVERY* project list. If there are any members of The Planetary Society that can help me out, I would appreciate it, I can only do about 100,000 credits a month.

After we reach top 80 on all lists, I may have a suprise for us, as we have never really had any public webpage or organization or support from The Planetary Society organization itself. *hint*
ID: 593174 · Report as offensive
Profile Knightmare
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Message 593390 - Posted: 27 Jun 2007, 3:41:33 UTC

Aaron...are you the team founder??
If may want to try to contact him/her to see what can be done about sending out an email encouraging people to start crunching on other projects.
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ID: 593390 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 599513 - Posted: 6 Jul 2007, 4:58:25 UTC - in response to Message 593390.  

I think the team founder(s) are pretty much MIA. Shame too. I wish we had someone who would sing our praises on the boards. Wish we had a cool logo for signatures. Wish if I want to post my stats it didn't say some other team name stats!

IIRC I saw a post by the SETI founder where he said he was hanging up SETI and going to crunch other projects to allow someone else the top spot in SETI. I think if you want to go out and ask for new members that would be great. After all why wouldn't you want to crunch for the people who started it all?

As for other projects, TPS members just may want to stay in the science projects. I doubt many would want to to crunch BURP. Einstein would be a natural though.


Aaron...are you the team founder??
If may want to try to contact him/her to see what can be done about sending out an email encouraging people to start crunching on other projects.

ID: 599513 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Team Recruitment Center : The Planetary Society

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