The Outsider's Inside View post#007 - Time and Space

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Profile KevinDouglasPhD
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Message 527095 - Posted: 6 Mar 2007, 3:44:36 UTC

I've got one week until I give a seminar down the hill for the astronomy department's Radio Astronomy Lab seminar series. I spent most of today preparing that at home, though I did get to drive into Oakland so my son could get his arms x-rayed. He broke his left wrist while biking at the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia last summer, and his break made him a good candidate for a bone density research project. He's happy to be taking part since he gets gift cards for Target as compensation for taking part.

The talk's going well, and it's good that I have most of the week to concentrate on it. ALFA observations are pretty light this week, and the processing of existing data is going pretty slowly while I wait for more data to be copied onto ewen. Poor ewen's frozen up a few times in the last week, so I really hope it gets the RAM upgrade it so desperately needs. Matt has to fix my workstation so it doesn't freak out when the time change happens this weekend, so that means my SETHI jobs will once again have to be restarted. Like I said, good thing I have something else to fret about.

Picked up "Trance-Fusion" by Frank Zappa. It's going to be in my car stereo for a month, I think. Just delightful. The only concert I've seen since moving to the Bay Area was Dweezil's Zappa plays Zappa show at the Warfield in SF, and it was amazing. Still hope I can see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum/Secret Chiefs 3 later this month.
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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 527598 - Posted: 7 Mar 2007, 13:52:59 UTC - in response to Message 527095.  

I've got one week until I give a seminar down the hill for the astronomy department's Radio Astronomy Lab seminar series. I spent most of today preparing that at home, though I did get to drive into Oakland so my son could get his arms x-rayed. He broke his left wrist while biking at the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia last summer, and his break made him a good candidate for a bone density research project. He's happy to be taking part since he gets gift cards for Target as compensation for taking part.

The talk's going well, and it's good that I have most of the week to concentrate on it. ALFA observations are pretty light this week, and the processing of existing data is going pretty slowly while I wait for more data to be copied onto ewen. Poor ewen's frozen up a few times in the last week, so I really hope it gets the RAM upgrade it so desperately needs. Matt has to fix my workstation so it doesn't freak out when the time change happens this weekend, so that means my SETHI jobs will once again have to be restarted. Like I said, good thing I have something else to fret about.

Picked up "Trance-Fusion" by Frank Zappa. It's going to be in my car stereo for a month, I think. Just delightful. The only concert I've seen since moving to the Bay Area was Dweezil's Zappa plays Zappa show at the Warfield in SF, and it was amazing. Still hope I can see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum/Secret Chiefs 3 later this month.

Thanks For the Post Kevin . . .

ps- baCk in the late '60's i had the sheer pleasure of meeting and 'hangin' with 'The Mother's of Invention' (Franks Backup) in Los Angeles - and i definitly didn't get any sleep during the three day hiatus - 'wild bunch' they be too say the least . . . and quite a different type of individuals - it was fun.

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Profile Matt Lebofsky
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Message 527730 - Posted: 7 Mar 2007, 21:55:25 UTC - in response to Message 527598.  

ps- baCk in the late '60's i had the sheer pleasure of meeting and 'hangin' with 'The Mother's of Invention' (Franks Backup) in Los Angeles - and i definitly didn't get any sleep during the three day hiatus - 'wild bunch' they be too say the least . . . and quite a different type of individuals - it was fun.

Cool. I never did get to see Frank perform (major bummer) but I did play this video game music award ceremony gig a couple years back. Dweezil was also performing at the event. It was weird looking above my music stand and seeing his face about 15 feet away in the front row.

- Matt
-- BOINC/SETI@home network/web/science/development person
-- "Any idiot can have a good idea. What is hard is to do it." - Jeanne-Claude
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Profile Fuzzy Hollynoodles
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Message 527758 - Posted: 7 Mar 2007, 23:10:06 UTC - in response to Message 527730.  
Last modified: 7 Mar 2007, 23:10:27 UTC

ps- baCk in the late '60's i had the sheer pleasure of meeting and 'hangin' with 'The Mother's of Invention' (Franks Backup) in Los Angeles - and i definitly didn't get any sleep during the three day hiatus - 'wild bunch' they be too say the least . . . and quite a different type of individuals - it was fun.

Cool. I never did get to see Frank perform (major bummer) but I did play this video game music award ceremony gig a couple years back. Dweezil was also performing at the event. It was weird looking above my music stand and seeing his face about 15 feet away in the front row.

- Matt

Have you met Trent (Reznor)?

"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

ID: 527758 · Report as offensive
Profile KevinDouglasPhD
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Message 527809 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 0:17:52 UTC - in response to Message 527598.  

Picked up "Trance-Fusion" by Frank Zappa. It's going to be in my car stereo for a month, I think. Just delightful. The only concert I've seen since moving to the Bay Area was Dweezil's Zappa plays Zappa show at the Warfield in SF, and it was amazing. Still hope I can see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum/Secret Chiefs 3 later this month.

Thanks For the Post Kevin . . .

ps- baCk in the late '60's i had the sheer pleasure of meeting and 'hangin' with 'The Mother's of Invention' (Franks Backup) in Los Angeles - and i definitly didn't get any sleep during the three day hiatus - 'wild bunch' they be too say the least . . . and quite a different type of individuals - it was fun.

I'm sure it was. I think Mike Keneally is one of very few musicians who carry the Zappa torch these days - right now I'm listening to a song by him that's in 17/16 time (like Zappa's 'Packard Goose') and it's just fantastic - he's so fluent in so many diverse genres of music too.

On that note, the North American dates for the Genesis reunion tour were announced today, and I officially don't care any more. They say they're not doing it for the money, and I believe them, but someone's definitely going to get rich off Genesis nostalgiacs this year. They even called themselves an "elite" band in their press release. I guess that's why they've taken the route of premium fan memberships that give you first dibs on the $200+ concert tickets. Eh, for all I know that's what the Police are doing too, so whatever. I'll buy the Gabriel-era SACD/DVD boxset when it comes out in 2008, and that'll do.

So the machine sidious has become part of the SETI@home family, meaning I have to curtail my use of it to crunch SETHI spectra. At least I got a lot of cubes made while it was almost exclusively a compute machine. And maybe third time will be a charm for ewen's RAM upgrade and I can just pick up there. Who knows?

Now then, which game to listen to on radio: Avs vs. Sabres or Kings vs. Blue Jackets? Decisions, decisions.
ID: 527809 · Report as offensive
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 529938 - Posted: 11 Mar 2007, 23:35:22 UTC

@ Kevin / Matt . . . (others may also be interested) ;)

> strangE notEs 'ErE . . . rEgarding Frank Zappa's Death . . .

Zappa's Death

alt . fan . frank-zappa

ID: 529938 · Report as offensive

Message boards : SETI@home Staff Blog : The Outsider's Inside View post#007 - Time and Space

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