The people rise up against the Iranian male religious nutters.

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Message 2112829 - Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 22:49:23 UTC

The nutters continue to make huge mistakes which rebound back onto them as many countries are close to listing the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organisation.

Supporters fear Belgian aid worker given lengthy Iranian prison sentence a pawn of 'hostage diplomacy'.

And yet they wonder why humanitarian services are being withdrawn from the country.
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Message 2113453 - Posted: 23 Jan 2023, 20:56:57 UTC

United States hits Iran with new sanctions over crackdown on protests.

The United States has imposed sanctions on the financial branch of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and senior Iranian officials, stepping up pressure on Tehran over its crackdown on protests.

The move, taken in coordination with Britain and the European Union, is the latest response to Iran's deadly clampdown on unrest after the death of young Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini in morality police custody in September.

The protests by Iranians from all walks of life mark one of the boldest challenges to the ruling theocracy since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Iran accuses the West of fomenting the unrest, which security forces have met with deadly violence.

Monday's action targets the IRGC Cooperative Foundation, described in a US Treasury statement as a "key economic pillar … which funds much of the regime's brutal suppression; as well as senior security officials coordinating Tehran's crackdown at the national and provincial levels."

Iran's mission to the United Nations in New York did not immediately respond to a request for comment....
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Message 2114149 - Posted: 5 Feb 2023, 20:48:09 UTC

Are the jails so full over there that they need to make room?

Iran's supreme leader pardons large number of prisoners linked to protests, says state media.

Iran's supreme leader has pardoned "tens of thousands" of prisoners including some arrested in recent anti-government protests, state news agency IRNA reports, after a deadly state crackdown helped quell the nationwide unrest.

However, the pardon approved by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei came with conditions, according to details announced in state media reports, which said the measure would not apply to any of the numerous dual nationals held in Iran.

State news agency IRNA said those accused of "corruption on earth" — a capital charge brought against some protesters, four of whom have been executed — would also not be pardoned.

Neither would it apply to those charged with "spying for foreign agencies" or those "affiliated with groups hostile to the Islamic Republic", state media reported....
But I doubt that it will quell the protests against their stupidity.
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Message 2115412 - Posted: 1 Mar 2023, 18:43:23 UTC

It seems that the religious nutters are taking a new route.

Hundreds of schoolgirls poisoned in Iran.

A wave of mysterious poisoning incidents has sparked concerns among officials in Iran.

According to reports by Tasnim news agency, dozens of Iranian schoolgirls required hospital treatment on Tuesday following the latest in a spate of suspected attacks.

The incidents have mainly targeted girls’ schools, particularly in the holy city of Qom, south of Tehran, and have resulted in hundreds of cases of respiratory distress over the past three months.

The Iranian government has suggested that the poisonings may be a deliberate attempt to force the closure of girls’ schools, a move that would be consistent with the actions of extremist groups like the Taliban in Afghanistan and Boko Haram, who oppose education for girls.....
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Message 2116975 - Posted: 1 Apr 2023, 22:02:49 UTC

Iran's supreme religious nutter won't learn.

Iran's leader says hijab is the law as unveiled women suffer 'yoghurt attack'.

President Ebrahim Raisi says the hijab was the law in Iran, after a viral video showed a man throwing yoghurt at two unveiled women in a shop near a holy Shi'ite Muslim city.

Growing numbers of women have defied authorities by discarding their veils after nationwide protests that followed the death in September of a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman in the custody of the morality police for allegedly violating hijab rules.

Security forces violently put down the revolt.

Judicial authorities in a town near the north-eastern city of Mashhad issued arrest warrants for the man seen pouring yoghurt over the heads of a mother and her daughter.

They were also the subject of arrest warrants for flouting Iran's strict female dress rules, state media reported.

Risking arrest for defying the obligatory dress code, women are still widely seen unveiled in malls, restaurants, shops and streets around the country.

Videos of unveiled women resisting the morality police have flooded social media.....
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Message 2117297 - Posted: 8 Apr 2023, 19:25:12 UTC


Cruelly chilling:

Iran installs cameras to find women not wearing hijab

Very definitely a mad dictatorship to stay clear of or to escape ASAP...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2117727 - Posted: 15 Apr 2023, 22:09:25 UTC

Those religious nutters continue their violence against the people.

Iran cracks down on 'crime' of promoting hijab removal.
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Message 2122195 - Posted: 5 Jul 2023, 21:46:20 UTC

It maybe time to start sinking a few pirate ships belonging to these problem causing nutters.

United States Navy says Iran fired upon tanker in Gulf of Oman.

The US Navy says it has intervened to prevent Iran from seizing two commercial tankers in the Gulf of Oman, in the latest in a series of seizures or attacks on ships in the area.

At 1:00 am local time, an Iranian naval vessel approached the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker TRF Moss in international waters in the Gulf of Oman, according to the US Navy.

"The Iranian vessel departed the scene when US Navy guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul arrived on station," it said in a statement, adding that it had deployed surveillance assets including maritime patrol aircraft.

The Navy said that around three hours later it received a distress call from Bahamas-flagged oil tanker Richmond Voyager while the ship was more than 32 kilometres off the coast of Muscat, Oman, and transiting international waters......
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Message 2122735 - Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 20:48:01 UTC

The male religious nutters are at it again. :-(

Iran's morality police return to streets to enforce hijab rules, 10 months after Mahsa Amini's death.

Iranian authorities have announced a new campaign to force women to wear the Islamic headscarf, with morality police returning to the streets 10 months after the death of a woman in their custody sparked nationwide protests.

The morality police had largely pulled back following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last September, as authorities struggled to contain mass protests calling for the overthrow of the theocracy that has ruled Iran for over four decades.

The protests largely died down earlier this year following a heavy crackdown in which over 500 protesters were killed and nearly 20,000 detained.

But many women continued to flaunt the official dress code, especially in the capital, Tehran, and other cities.

The morality police were only rarely seen patrolling the streets, and in December, there were even some reports — later denied — that they had been disbanded.

Authorities insisted throughout the crisis that the rules had not changed.

Iran's clerical rulers view the hijab as a key pillar of the Islamic revolution that brought them to power, and consider more casual dress a sign of Western decadence.

General Saeed Montazerolmahdi, a police spokesman, said the morality police would resume notifying and then detaining women not wearing hijab in public......
I wonder if castrating these religious nutters might teach them something.
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Message 2124295 - Posted: 20 Aug 2023, 8:10:22 UTC

Those male religious nutters are at it yet again. :-(

Mass arrests target Iranian activists nearly one year after Mahsa Amini's death.

Over a dozen Iranian civil rights activists have been arrested by authorities ahead of the anniversary of the killing of Mahsa Amini by "morality police" in Tehran on September 16, Iranian opposition media reported over the weekend.

Amini’s death in September 2022 sparked nationwide protests often referred to as the "Women, Life, Freedom" protests that swept across Iran for months, only declining in January. Protests have periodically renewed in several locations in the months since then.

At least 13 activists and relatives of Iranians killed or arrested during the protests which erupted after Amini's death have been arrested in recent weeks, according to Iranian human rights groups.....
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Message 2125394 - Posted: 12 Sep 2023, 21:43:23 UTC

It may not do much but.

Australia announces new sanctions against Iranians 'who oppress women and girls', as regime continues clamp down on dissent.

The Albanese government is rolling out fresh sanctions against Iranian senior police, censors and state media, almost one year after the death of Mahsa "Jina" Amini sparked mass global protests against the regime.

In September last year, the 22-year-old woman was travelling to visit relatives in Tehran when she was arrested by Iran's morality police — allegedly because she broke the country's strict rules on women's dress by failing to wear her hijab properly.

She died three days later in hospital.

Iranian authorities have blamed her death on natural causes, but both eyewitnesses and her family said she was beaten by police.

Australia has already hit Iran's government with three packages of sanctions since December 2022, but Foreign Minister Penny Wong said the latest round of sanctions and travel bans would target "those who oppress women and girls in Iran".....
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Message 2125610 - Posted: 16 Sep 2023, 9:49:03 UTC

Those religious nutters are at it again.

Iran's security forces reportedly warn Mahsa Amini's father not to mark the anniversary of her death.

Iran's security forces have detained Mahsa Amini's father on the anniversary of his daughter's death and warned him not to mark the day, a human rights group has claimed.

"Security forces detained Amjad Amini today and returned him to his house after threatening him against marking his daughter's death anniversary," the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) said.

A source close to the Amini family and Norway-based human rights group Hengaw also confirmed Mr Amini was detained as he was leaving his house in western Iran.

The news comes after Mr Amini said he would hold a commemoration for his daughter in their hometown of Saqez.

A social media post on X, formerly Twitter, from KHRN said Iranian security had also been stationed in the area for the anniversary.

Iranian officials were not immediately reachable by Reuters for comment.....
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Message 2125793 - Posted: 20 Sep 2023, 19:41:07 UTC

Those moronic religious nutters just don't know when to stop.

Iran lawmakers vote to toughen penalties for women who breach dress code.

Iranian women who flout the strict Islamic dress code mandating head coverings and modest clothing could face up to 10 years in prison under a bill passed on Wednesday.

The push to step up penalties comes a year after a wave of protests sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for allegedly breaching the rules.

Since then, a growing number of Iranian women have been seen in public without hijab head scarves or observing the rules against clothes that are deemed too tight-fitting or otherwise revealing.

Iran's executive and judiciary in May proposed the bill to "protect society" and "strengthen family life".

Iran's ruling conservatives have argued that relaxing the rules would rupture "social norms".

Iran's legislature approved "the 'Support for the Culture of Hijab and Chastity' bill for a trial period of three years," the official IRNA news agency reported.

Out of the 290 politicians, 152 voted in favour, 35 against, and seven abstained, with the remainder absent.

The bill still requires approval by the Guardian Council, a conservative body of clerics and jurists, to become law.....
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Message 2125985 - Posted: 24 Sep 2023, 21:32:57 UTC

Those religious nutters always have to blame others for their own stupidity.

U.S. and other Western powers are inciting Iranian unrest, president says.
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Message 2126456 - Posted: 4 Oct 2023, 18:36:12 UTC

The immorality police of the brain dead religious nutters have done it yet again. :-(

Iran's morality police alleged to have beaten teenage girl into coma for violating hijab law.

A teenaged Iranian girl is in a critical condition in hospital following a confrontation with agents in the Tehran metro for violating the hijab law, two prominent rights activists have said.

Armita Geravand's case is highly sensitive, raising concerns the 16-year-old might face the same fate as Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman whose death in the custody of morality police sparked months of nationwide protests.

While authorities have denied claims by rights groups that Ms Geravand went into a coma on Sunday after a confrontation with officers enforcing the Islamic dress code, Iranian-Kurdish rights group Hengaw posted her picture unconscious at a Tehran hospital where she was taken after the incident.

There was no immediate response from Iran's Interior Ministry about the incident.....
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Message 2126553 - Posted: 6 Oct 2023, 19:24:59 UTC

Those religious nutters won't like that.

Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi awarded 2023 Nobel Peace Prize.

Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi has been awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Price for "for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran".

Ms Mohammadi is one of Iran's leading human rights activists, and has campaigned for women's rights and the abolition of the death penalty.

She is currently serving multiple sentences in Tehran's Evin Prison amounting to about 12 years' imprisonment, according to the Front Line Defenders rights organisation, one of the many periods she has been detained behind bars.

The charges against her include spreading propaganda against the state.

She is the deputy head of the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), a non-governmental organisation led by Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

In a statement to the New York Times, Ms Mohammadi said she would never stop striving for democracy and equality even if it meant staying in prison.....
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Message 2127677 - Posted: 28 Oct 2023, 21:57:59 UTC

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Message 2131842 - Posted: 30 Jan 2024, 6:13:45 UTC

A bit of hanging and stoning should be going on, shouldn't it?

Secret sex tapes expose hypocrisy of country’s elites.

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Message 2132072 - Posted: 4 Feb 2024, 3:55:16 UTC

Will the Ayatollah give those hypocrites sex changes?

Unhinged way one country is trying to eradicate gay people.

Death or surgery? It’s a capital offence to be gay in Iran. But gender-change surgery is legal. Now, 4000 Iranians are undergoing the life-changing procedure every year. And many of them are children.

The plight of Iran’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) was brought back to the attention of the world after the belated arrest of a provincial “morality police” chief last month after video of him engaging in homosexual acts began circulating on social media.

Seven of his sexual partners were arrested immediately. Then, after six months of public outrage, Reza Seghati, the director general of the Office of the Ministry of Culture in Iran’s Gilan province, was detained....
Or was the Ayatollah in on it as well?
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