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Message 1850351 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 4:12:52 UTC

I do not expect this to go well. Nonetheless:

Sarge and Sirius B...

Since you believe this. I will always respond to any of your posts, this way.

Sarge... (Who believes the Modern Day usage of the Nazi Swastika. After the Swastika was the symbol, under which the Nazi's murdered millions of people. Is neither evil nor hateful - Message 1850278)

Sirius B... (Who believes the Modern Day usage of the Nazi Swastika. After the Swastika was the symbol, under which the Nazi's murdered millions of people. Is neither evil nor hateful - Message 1850275)

Any problem repeating your belief?

Since you have twisted his post and mine, I absolutely have an issue with you lying and then repeating a lie.

To Sirius' post, I simply said "Fascinating. (Actually, I knew this.)"

If there is good evidence that the symbol has NOT been around for millenia, symbolizing peace, etc. ... . Point it out. If there is evidence it HAS been around for millenia BUT always stood for something negative, point it out. If you agree the Nazi's appropriated a symbol and twisted it, say so. If you have a different take on the last, say so.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

And, as you used to ask Michel, what is your solution? Once a symbol is associated with something negative, must it always remain negative? If so, how shall the mods and S@H admins respond to this issue? What is your solution?
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
ID: 1850351 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1850359 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 4:45:47 UTC

As to avatars, a few of us go back a while and remember the photo of the undressed gentleman sitting on the pot IIRC with a keyboard that a former MOD liked to post all over the boards. I also remember that at one point the photo had to be cropped a bit to make the powers that be happy. Eventually the photo was deleted and the links to it went poof.

I know in Germany that the photo of Adolph would be officially censored, as would those of swastikas. However the server these boards are on is in California USA. I doubt that hosting the avatar would cause issues for professors and students traveling to Germany, but if it does then officially they will be removed. Otherwise unless there are copyright issues or the intent is clearly to annoy, antagonize, be hostile or threatening I doubt there is a reason for action*. I mean, there is a person using tRump as an avatar**, I can't think of a more despicable avatar to post today, but he is free to show his deplorable ignorance to the world.

Now if someone still has a copy of the gentleman on the pot, photoshop on an orange rug and we will have a great Rump avatar!

*personal opinion, I'm not a mod in case there is any question.
**that photo is very likely copyrighted to some wire service. If I knew which I would encourage them to file a DMCA notice with the Regents.
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1850372 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 6:08:39 UTC

The swastika was indeed once (and for a long time) a positive symbol. It wasn't until Hitler came along that the meaning of the symbol was skewed to the point it became a sign of pure evil.
ID: 1850372 · Report as offensive
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Message 1850381 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 7:20:08 UTC

Big difference and easy to recognize.



The term sauwastika (or sauvastika[1][2]) (as a character: 卍) is sometimes used to distinguish the left-facing from the right-facing swastika symbol, a meaning which developed in 19th century scholarship.[3]

The left-facing variant is favoured in Bön and Gurung Dharma; it is called yungdrung in Bon and Gurung Yantra in Gurung Dharma. Both the right-facing and left-facing variants are employed in Hinduism and Buddhism; however, the left-facing is more commonly used in Buddhism than Hinduism and the right-facing is more commonly used in Hinduism than Buddhism.[4]

In Buddhism the left-facing sauwastika imprinted on the chest, feet, palms of Buddha and also the first of the 65 auspicious symbols on the footprint of the Buddha.[5][6] In Hinduism the left-facing sauwastika is associated with esoteric tantric practices and often stands for Goddess Kali

The right facing diagonal swastika is the offensive one.

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1850411 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 12:51:35 UTC

Swastikas in American buildings

I like the walkway in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Am I a Nazi for liking it?
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Message 1850415 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 13:14:09 UTC

Note: This is a pre-Nazi use of swastika.
But my associations go elsewhere...
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1850426 - Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 14:38:15 UTC - in response to Message 1850381.  

Big difference and easy to recognize.



The term sauwastika (or sauvastika[1][2]) (as a character: 卍) is sometimes used to distinguish the left-facing from the right-facing swastika symbol, a meaning which developed in 19th century scholarship.[3]

The left-facing variant is favoured in Bön and Gurung Dharma; it is called yungdrung in Bon and Gurung Yantra in Gurung Dharma. Both the right-facing and left-facing variants are employed in Hinduism and Buddhism; however, the left-facing is more commonly used in Buddhism than Hinduism and the right-facing is more commonly used in Hinduism than Buddhism.[4]

In Buddhism the left-facing sauwastika imprinted on the chest, feet, palms of Buddha and also the first of the 65 auspicious symbols on the footprint of the Buddha.[5][6] In Hinduism the left-facing sauwastika is associated with esoteric tantric practices and often stands for Goddess Kali

The right facing diagonal swastika is the offensive one.


Tis all after the fact BS anyway, because if you look at the symbol from the other side, guess what ... so any 3D version is both!
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Message 1850507 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 12:35:13 UTC - in response to Message 1850502.  

BTW: Has anyone noticed it is those on The Left of the political spectrum. Who excuse the use of Nazi Symbols. Jump through hoops, saying those who describe a people as "Horde of BLACKS Invading Our Neighborhoods" are not Racist.

CLYDE, stop hiding behind labels like "The Left" and name the people you're accusing. They deserve to know they are the subject of such an attack so that they can defend themselves. You've said the same about me, the first time before you had evidence, the second after you had evidence to the contrary. Still awaiting your apology, though if you're true to previous form, Godot will be here sooner.

Hmm, turning evidence on its head to make a point contrary to what the evidence shows; CLYDE are you really Milo Yiannopoulos?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

ID: 1850507 · Report as offensive
Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1850532 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 14:25:45 UTC

Symbols, even those of 'good' origins, can be tainted over a very LONG term when they are associated with/adopted by an... unsavory group. Symbols such as the swastika and its use by the nazis. Even a simple white robe (used over the centuries by various preachers) has entered this group by virtue of its adoption by the KKK.

Quoting from the forum rules:

No messages that are deliberately hostile, threatening, or insulting.

No abusive comments involving race, religion, nationality, gender, class or sexuality.

An image is definitely a 'message' and a 'comment', not only in the body of the post, but also as an 'avatar'. The same holds true with words, both in the post body, the thread title, and the posters' "name".

People need to refrain, in my opinion, from posting certain words/images out of respect for others. Examples would be various nazi symbols and images. Not only are some/many people offended by this, it does tend to run afoul of the law in some nations.

Same with images of other murderous dictators.

Same with people wearing 'kkk' uniforms.

This is offensive enough. Why do it, if not trying to be deliberately insulting?

Very similar to some people's use of the term 'redneck' here. It is a term of derision, meant to be insulting to people along race, national (or at least regional), and class lines. I have asked some here before to stop using it, and I will again... Please refrain from using this term.

Just my US$ 0.02.


Don't blame me, I voted for Johnson(L) in 2016.

Truth is dangerous... especially when it challenges those in power.
ID: 1850532 · Report as offensive
Profile Sarge
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Message 1850539 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 14:44:54 UTC

Well said, MK.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
ID: 1850539 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1850542 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 14:55:32 UTC - in response to Message 1850539.  

Well said, MK.

Gosh, MK and Sarge both arguing that microaggression policies are correct?
ID: 1850542 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1850568 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 17:03:11 UTC

Want to talk about objectionable avatars, how about mine.

Really a filthy plague infesting rodent. But that's not the bad part. The bad part is the fountain that plague bomb is upon. That fountain* was made by persons who enslaved native Americans and stole their culture from their future generations. It is located in a State Park that celebrates this history. They even preserve the jail there and tell the story of how the natives were heathens and needed to be enslaved and educated. The all symbolism of these violent oppressors should be banned!

*see my profile for a wide shot of the fountain.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1850577 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 17:21:44 UTC

Within Southern American English, "Yankee" is a derisive term used to refer to any and all Northerners, or those from the regions of the Union side of the American Civil War.

Batter up:)
ID: 1850577 · Report as offensive
Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1850578 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 17:24:36 UTC

Well the last time I used a decent pic as an avatar, it got moaned at - Got called a moustachioed stud. Ah well, not everyone can be handsome & charming :-)
ID: 1850578 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1850581 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 17:41:01 UTC


Any Avatar. Any Symbol. Any Anything is All Right Wif dA Worm.

Lovin' dA FILTH and WHACKOness coming from dA CRYBABY COMMIE CLOWNS.



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Profile janneseti

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Message 1850601 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 19:04:07 UTC - in response to Message 1850591.  

Want to talk about some logos which have become very objectionable recently?
How about the logos of MSNBC and CNN?
Why don't people trust the news outlets any more?
Because they think it's their job to CONTROL WHAT PEOPLE THINK.
This is doubleplus ungood.

Did you read the story title?
‘He is trying to undermine the media’
Who do you think is "he"?
ID: 1850601 · Report as offensive
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Message 1850618 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 20:42:16 UTC - in response to Message 1850609.  

"he" is Trump. He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. (How refreshing!) The people are sick and tired of the abusively biased and corrupt media. Undermining the media is a good thing. The media are part of the "ruling establishment." The media are at least 1/2 responsible for the mess we are in.

A bit off topic but Refreshing indeed.
Trump does the same to media that Putin does in Russia!
Get a grip!
"The people are sick and tired of the abusively biased and corrupt media."
What people?
Those who are reading Breitbart and Infowars for instance?

Oh You should try Breitbart.
Europe have this tremendious product already.
It's true.
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Message 1850620 - Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 20:56:57 UTC - in response to Message 1850609.  

"he" is Trump. He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. (How refreshing!) The people are sick and tired of the abusively biased and corrupt media. Undermining the media is a good thing. The media are part of the "ruling establishment." The media are at least 1/2 responsible for the mess we are in.

If the liberal/socialist/marxist/communists keep doing what they're doing, we'll end up with that magic number of "60" "republicans" in our senate in the next mid-term election.

...so, liberals/socialists/marxists/communists... *please* keep *doing* what you're doing.

Good to see your support of the first amendment remains as strong as ever:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Oh, "45" is not Congress so POTUS can issue an EO ending freedom of the press without there being a problem. Cool. Now I understand why you want to limit SCOTUS.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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