Simple Linux config file?

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Message 171932 - Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 5:09:19 UTC
Last modified: 26 Sep 2005, 5:12:41 UTC

I'm very sorry. I'm sure this has been covered before. I've been searching for a way to link my Fedora 4 boinc client to my account (it's a headless server that runs 24/7). I know it has something to do with a config.xml file, but all I can find on the net are files with WAY to much info. Also, they all use a GUI program to setup the client. I'm looking at doing this from the CLI. All I need is an example of how to link the URL, Team, and Key to the running program. I have 2 windows computers running boinc when they're not being used but I'd love to use my linux box to run boinc all the time.

Please just post a link to a *simple* config file. :)

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Message 171996 - Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 13:23:16 UTC

./boinc --help

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Profile Adam

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Message 180421 - Posted: 20 Oct 2005, 19:50:08 UTC

To be slightly more explicit:

cd to your boinc directory - I keep it simple - /boinc :)

Now run:

./boinc_4.27-i686-inux-gnu -attach_project

Obviously change this to whatever version you downloaded. You will be prompted for the URL ( and the account key (same as your windows machines)

This behaviour seems to have changed in the boinc 5.x clients but it's not radically different :)

Also, if you're running on FC4 then you'll probably want to start this thing as a service. To do that you need to create a file named boinc (as root) in your /etc/init.d folder, then put this in it (with necessary changes to path and process name):

# Script to start and stop the boinc client
# chkconfig: - 98 40
# description: BOINC is an open source client that houses \\
# many distributed computing efforts like SETI@HOME.
# processname: boinc_4.27-i686-linux-gnu


case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting boinc client"
./boinc_4.27-i686-p4-linux-gnu -return_results_immediately >boinc.log 2>/dev/null&

stop) echo -n "Stopping boinc client"
killall boinc_4.27-i686-p4-linux-gnu

echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0

Now run this:

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/boinc

Now you can run (still as root):

chkconfig --add boinc
chkconfig --level 3 boinc on
chkconfig --level 4 boinc on
chkconfig --level 5 boinc on

This will have the boinc service start at boot :)

Hope it helps :)

ID: 180421 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Simple Linux config file?

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